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- 9829733794
- vinayakcollegeofnursing2013@gmail.com
Help provide student support services including: health and counselling services; learning assistance; early childhood education facilities; career planning; recreational facilities; and accommodation information.
Ensure that compulsory subjects are appropriately timetabled and sufficient optional subjects are available to enable course completion within the specified minimum time.
Prepare students to assume responsibilities as professional, competent nursing professional in providing promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative services.
Build students Nurse to assume role as a Male Nurse, Female Nurse, Nursing Officer to provide competitive nursing care
सादर नमन ,
मै आप सभी का ह्रदय से आभार प्रकट करता हू कि आपके स्नेह एवं आशीर्वाद की शक्ति के बल पर ही “विनायक ग्रुप ऑफ़ नर्सिंग कॉलेजेज” आज जयपुर ही नहीं सम्पूर्ण राजस्थान में नर्सिंग शिक्षा के क्षेत्र में अपनी विशिष्ट पहचान रखता है | मुझे ये सूचित करते हुए हर्ष हो रहा है की विनायक ग्रुप ऑफ़ नर्सिंग कॉलेजेज राजस्थान प्रदेश का एक ऐसा अग्रणी ग्रुप है जहाँ के हजारो छात्र प्रदेश ही नहीं अपितु देश व विदेशो में भी चिकित्सा सेवाएं दे रहे है , मै विनम्रता से निवेदन करना चाहता हु की विनायक ग्रुप राजस्थान में अधिकतम सरकारी सेवाओ व विदेशो में नौकरी दिलाने में प्रथम स्थान रखता है | हमारे यहाँ से उत्तीर्ण छात्र AIIMS, Delhi State Medical Services, State Govt. Medical Services, NRHM, Foreign Medical Services, Military Hospital, Govt. Nursing College, MNC Hospitals etc. में सेवाएं दे रहे है | हमारे यहाँ से उत्तीर्ण छात्र अमेरिका , कनाडा , इंग्लैंड , दुबई (ऑपेक देशो) आदि देशो में अपनी सेवाएं दे रहे है |
आज आपको ये सूचित करते हुए मुझे अत्यंत गर्व महसूस हो रहा है की मेरे स्वर्गीय पूज्य पिता श्री बंशीधर चौधरी द्वारा सिंचित यह शिक्षा रूपी पौधा आज आपके आशीर्वाद से पुष्पित व पल्लवित होकर जयपुर के चारो और विशाल वृक्ष के रूप में परिणित हो रहा है | में पुन: आपको आश्वस्त करता हु कि आपके होनहारो को सूसंस्कारित व अनुशासित करके उनके भविष्य को उज्जवल बनाने के लिए सम्पूर्ण मनोयोग से प्रयास करता रहूँगा |
राजेंद्र चौधरी
विनायक ग्रुप ऑफ़ नर्सिंग कॉलेजेज, जयपुर
You are, indeed, blessed to find opportunity of being educated at one of the best Nursing colleges of Jaipur .that has been nurtured with a great vision. This is my firm conviction that you would carry the rich values imbibed here to greater heights.
Vinayak College/School of Nursing was established in the year 2009/2006. It is approved by Govt. Of Rajasthan, the Indian Nursing Council, New Delhi and Rajasthan Nursing Council, Jaipur and affiliate to Rajasthan University of Health Sciences, Jaipur. It is equipped with most modern infrastructure, qualified faculty, excellent educational and co-curricular facilities. The goal of the College is to prepare the graduates in Nursing to provide comprehensive nursing care and prepare nurses to assume responsibilities as nurse Specialists, Educators and Administrators.
Vinayak College of Nursing inculcates not only the love for service, discipline, compassion for patients, but also make them good human beings and confident leaders.
I intently believe that you would have an all-round development of your personality in this Vinayak College/School of Nursing.
With best wishes and blessing for the upcoming session
Being a nurse can be an exciting career option for both men and women. This field has lot to offer, newer technologies brightening up the medical field health care careers are booming. If you are a great nurse ,you will find always be in demand and there are many job opportunities from which you can choose.
No one ever lost a job as a nurse. As a nurse , you’ll never be out of work during recession periods. You will enjoy job security all the time , even if wages are affected during recession. As a nurse you occupy a rich careers, one that is required when the economy is healthy or unhealthy at peace and during war.
Nursing is a science and trained and prudent nurses are right there next to doctor when it comes to saving lives. You are trusted with lives, with confidential information and you have the important task of watching over the life of the patient in your care. No other career holds this amount of responsibility .
You will learn the value of life as nurse, when you see people fighting to stay alive. Every breath of life is a gift and no one learns this lesson better than some one who nurses a dying patient day and night. People with strong valves, respect for human life, compassion for suffering and empathy will be attracted to nursing career.
As a nurse ,you have a continues opportunity for learning. You can opt to work in different departments, where you can grow and nurture new nurses and share your knowledge. Nursing is the ideal career for you if you want to be challenged continuously and want to gain knowledge pertaining to the human body.
The nursing career opens up many diverse job opportunities and you can choose many different paths in the courses of your careers. There are not that many careers that allow you this kind of diverse job opportunity.
If you show a commitment to learning ,are willing to work hard, and about all have the right compassion and respect for life, then being a nurse might be the right thing for you.